
360 Zodiac Degrees: A Celestial I Ching

Original price was: $33.89.Current price is: $28.24.

360 Zodiac Degrees: A Celestial I Ching (Symbolism for the 21st Century)
by Robin Armstrong. There is a unique energy in each degree of the Zodiac revealing 30 different types of each zodiac

Expand your astrological awareness from 12 signs to 360 degrees

sign. This book relates each zodiac degree with a line of a corresponding I Ching hexagram.
Find the degree minute and Zodiac sign position of the Sun, Moon and planets in your horoscope and you can look up the special influence of each degree they are in.

Expand your astrological awareness from 12 signs to 360 degrees

360 Zodiac Degrees: A Celestial I Ching (Symbolism for the 21st Century)
by Robin Armstrong

There is a unique energy in each Zodiac degree revealing 30 different types of each zodiac sign. This book relates each zodiac degree with a line of a corresponding I Ching hexagram.
Find the degree, minute and Zodiac sign position of the Sun, Moon and planets in your horoscope and you can look up the special influence of each degree they are in.
This can also done with the planetary positions of the day you are in.
The Zodiac degrees show a special relevance in observing the progressed sun, moon and planets as they move through the degrees across your life..
The degrees of countries horoscopes could also be used. Expand your astrological awareness from 12 signs to 360 degrees.

(417 pages in PDF format)

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