Best of the Celestial Harp
A compilation of works from previous recordings.
Spirits of the Sand (3 on Harp) 9’49”
Peter Elliott ……….. Vocals
Sharon Wiener ……. Vocals
Kathy Armstrong … Drums
Orest Tataryn ………Celestial Harp
Brian Roche ………. Celestial Harp
Robin Armstrong …Celestial Harp, Snake Charming Flute
New Sounds on the Block 13’00”
Orest Tataryn & Robin Armstrong on Celestial Harp, guitar & percussion:
Gong, bells, triangle, penny whistle, recorder, rattle, chairs, cymbals,
Snare drum, xylophone, bongos, wood snapper, snake charming flute,
voices and whistle.
Return the Turning Point 16’26”
Orest Tataryn: Celestial Harp, marimba, xylophone,’
chimes, quiro, penny whistle & kalimba slam!
Brian Roche: Celestial Harp & soprano sax
Peter Elliott: Celestial Harp, rattle, flute, recorder,
pan pipes & vibra-slap.
Robin Armstrong: Celestial Harp.
Fellowship Raga 16’20”
Robin Armstrong .. Celestial Harp
Brian Roche ….Celestial Harp
Also used ….. Shrudi Master for drone.
Adoration of the Pleiades 13’11”
Robin Armstrong … Celestial Harp
Michael Moon ……. Vibraphone
Photo art work by Peter Rivington
Cover design by Robin Armstrong
Mixed and mastered by Robin Armstrong.
Printing by: Printer Gateway
© 2011 Robin Armstrong, Aurora On. L4G 1W1
RA Publications, 91b Edward St, Aurora On. L4G 1W1