Astro-I Ching Personal Early Heaven Study Guide. Integral Hexagrams of one’s progressed Sun across one’s life represent the evolution of one’s soul. The metaphors and symbols from the activated hexagrams provide a profound relevance to one’s life and can be used as a standard to live according to. The study guide is between 26 and 32 pages long. It will be sent as a pdf file.
You will need to send in your birth information: Birth date, birth place and birth time (as closely as possible).
Astro-I Ching Personal Early Heaven Study Guide to the Progressions of the Sun, and the Evolution of One’s Soul
In this Evolution of One’s Soul, study guide, the hexagram interpretations are based on the Early Heaven Arrangement of trigrams. The second son implies Clarity, instead of Abysmal Danger in the later world arrangement. The third son become Fun and Happiness instead of Keeping Still. The second daughter becomes Analytical, the third daughter becomes Waits for a Response.
The Early Heaven implications are based on the relationship of light and darkness without the number associations of the Later Heaven arrangement. The hexagram interpretations are by Robin Armstrong and they have been made according to the ways of Earlier Heaven.
A sample report is online at the website. You should look at it before ordering so that you will know what to expect. This report includes numerous horoscope versions and graphics. It is prepared by hand and will take a week or two to complete.