RASA09-03-Progressed Sun: Pentans and Aspect Calculations


Progressed Sun: Pentans and Aspect Calculations:

The development of the Solar data sheet. Understanding the inner purpose of life. Implications of Solar changes in sign, house, and aspect. Setup data sheet for subsystems and degrees. Here the deeper implications of the Zodiac are applied with remarkable results. A new sensitivity and awareness of the scope of life and astrology emerges.

Progressed Sun: Pentans and Aspect Calculations

By Astrologer Robin Armstrong

Progressed Sun: Pentans and Aspect Calculations:

The development of the Solar data sheet. Understanding the inner purpose of life. Implications of Solar changes in sign, house, and aspect. Setup data sheet for subsystems and degrees. Here the deeper implications of the Zodiac are applied with remarkable results. A new sensitivity and awareness of the scope of life and astrology emerges.




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