14 Week Astrology Class RASA08: Deeper Considerations


14 Week Astrology Class RASA08: Deeper Considerations


Study with Astrologer Robin Armstrong

In this 14 week class new and important factors are added to the students understanding of astrological basics. These factors will increase one’s depth perception of the horoscope and astrology. The class titles are: 1. Three Zodiacs, 2. Colour and the Tropical Zodiac, 3. The Southern Hemisphere Zodiac, 4. 21st Century Horoscopes, 5. Diurnal Houses and Phases, 6. Parallel Houses, 7. Rulerships and Detriments, 8. Declinations, parallels, retrogrades, nodes, Heliocentric Astrology, 9. Aspects, phases, colour, and music, 10. The Zodiac and the 8-fold path, 11. Pentans and sub-pentans, 12. Hexagrams in Degrees, 13. Stars, 14. Relationships.




14 Week Astrology Class RASA08: Deeper Considerations


Study with Astrologer Robin Armstrong

In this 14 week class new and important factors are added to the students understanding of astrological basics. These factors will increase one’s depth perception of the horoscope and astrology. The class titles are: 1. Three Zodiacs, 2. Colour and the Tropical Zodiac, 3. The Southern Hemisphere Zodiac, 4. 21st Century Horoscopes, 5. Diurnal Houses and Phases, 6. Parallel Houses, 7. Rulerships and Detriments, 8. Declinations, parallels, retrogrades, nodes, Heliocentric Astrology, 9. Aspects, phases, colour, and music, 10. The Zodiac and the 8-fold path, 11. Pentans and sub-pentans, 12. Hexagrams in Degrees, 13. Stars, 14. Relationships.











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